Scanning In the Notes App on Your iPhone and iPad

Did you know that you now can scan directly into your notes? I find this particularly helpful with recipes from friends or magazines.

1.  Notes is part of the iPhone/iPad operating system. Tap on the yellow and white icon that looks like an old school notepad.
2.  If needed click on "New Folder" in the bottom right corner.
3.  Name your folder and click on "Save." I called mine "Recipes."
4.  You now will see your new folders among your list of folders. This is just an empty folder. Click on the folder to start adding notes.
5.  Click on the new notes icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
6.  Type the Title of your note. Mine is Pineapple-Hibiscus Cocktail. Then click on the + within a circle above the keyboard.
7.  Click on Scan Document.
8.  Hold your iPhone (scanner/camera) above the document and click on the white button. You then will be able to drag corner handles to adjust the cropping. 
9.  Tap on "Keep Scan" in the bottom right corner.
10.Next tap on "Save" in the bottom right corner.
11.Your scan is now saved into your notes. In this case in the Pineapple-Hibiscus Cocktail note. You can type in more information underneath the scan.
12. If you tap on the back arrow in the upper left corner you will now see that your new note with the scan is now in your folder.