San Miguel de Allende reminded me of San Francisco. Ajijic on Lake Chapala reminds me of Santa Cruz California. Lola and I have only been here a few days but we have managed to find...
•good coffee
•delicious flan
•a couple of small grocery stores
•the local farmacia (pharmacy)
•delightful neighborhoods for Lola's and my daily walks
•the "malecon" walkway along the shore
•a yummy ice cream place that serves cappuccino with your choice of ice cream
•the Lake Chapala Society where expats linger over breakfast, lunch, wine and beer
•several used furniture places where many treasures are waiting for me to set up a home
I have a politically like-minded friend who also yells at television news and talks to herself and pets. It gets a bit confusing, but we have decided as long as I am staying with her we will begin each sentence with each other's names so we both can stop saying "what?"
Today I met a couple who have invited me out to dinner. She is the first cousin of Richard Nixon and has some fascinating stories about their family's history.
Lola has two new kitty companions - one who likes her and one who avoids her. Lola has already sniffed ½ of downtown Ajijic and has discovered that stretched out on Mexican tile floors is the perfect place to be on a warm day.
And so the next part of our adventure begins...